Showing  26 - 50 of 416 Records

Showing  26 - 50 of 416 Records
Bodhisattva Torso
  • Title Translation: 菩萨身
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head has been reattached to the neck and chest and does not appear to fit perfectly. Therefore people have expressed doubt that they are from the same figure originally.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is from the seated bodhisattva on the east wall of Cave 17 at the proper left side of the Maitreya Buddha.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is a seated bodhisattva figure from the north (back) wall of Cave 21 that was formerly in the Idemitsu Museum, Tokyo, and is now in the National Museum of China.

Bodhisattva Standing
  • Title Translation: 立菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The small figure stands in a graceful dance-like pose and wears a royal costume with jewelry and long scarf the ends of which it holds in the hands.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This head is believed to be from a standing bodhisattva in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Its current situation is unknown.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is known only from a 1928 sales catalog of Yamanaka and Co.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is from the west wall of Cave 16.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The photograph of this fine head of a bodhisattva on the west wall of Cave 14 in the early 1920s shows that it was missing the topknot and nose which have not been repaired.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Sui, 581-618 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The bodhisattva head is from a standing figure on the east wall of Cave 8.

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This finely carved head is from a standing bodhisattva on the west wall of Cave 14. The figure to which it belongs is in the Museum Rietberg.

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D 模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The crowned bodhisattva head, believed to be from Cave 1, is partially covered with brown pigment and shows signs of damage and restoration.

Bodhisattva Standing, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 立菩萨 , 3D 模型
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The standing bodhisattva is believed to be from the east wall, north side, Cave 18.

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D 模型
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This finely carved head is from a standing bodhisattva on the west wall of Cave 14. The figure to which it belongs is in the Museum Rietberg.

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D 模型
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head of the bodhisattva is missing its topknot. Other heads from Cave 18 have had the topknot restored.

Guanyin Bodhisattva
  • Title Translation: 观音菩萨
  • Period: Yuan, 1279-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Wooden Bodhisattvas (Guanyin)

Bodhisattva Standing, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨立像 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Both the Eastern Wei (535–50) and the Northern Qi dynasties were ruled from a capital at Ye (presentday Linzhang) in southern Hebei province; both sponsored the construction of new cave temples. The complex built at Xiangtangshan (not far from the capital) dates from the Northern Qi period. It consists of two sites: the three enormous cave temples at the top of the mountain are known as Northern Xiangtangshan, while an additional seven smaller shrines, about nine miles to the south, are known as Southern Xiangtangshan. This head comes from the southern site, which was constructed slightly later.

Bodhisattva Hand, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨手 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Stone head of a bodhisattva made of light colored stone with traces of red and yellow pigment. This head would have originally been part of a colossal statue. The piece is a companion to C353 and very similar to it, the principal differences being that the hair is arranged in a number of plaits and the crown is more elaborate. It is believed to originally come from the North Cave of Northern Xiangtangshan.

Bodhisattva Head, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Stone head of a bodhisattva made of light colored stone with traces of red and light green pigment. This head would have originally been part of a colossal statue. The urna, represented by a round socket, would have originally contained some kind of precious stone or crystal sphere. The hair is smooth and parted in the middle. The crown has three peaks with a fillet around the base of the ushnisha. C353 and C354 are a pair from the North Cave of Northern Xiangtangshan.

Bodhisattva Hand, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨手 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves

Bodhisattva Hand, 3D model
  • Title Translation: 菩萨手 , 3D模型
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves

Bodhisattva Standing Guanyin
  • Title Translation: 观世音菩萨
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Statue of a standing bodhisattva made of dark stone, brown and stained with age, with traces of red, green and blue pigment. The bodhisattva has a long face, plump cheeks, eyes nearly closed, with very long lobed ears, unpierced. There is a jeweled tiara with small a aureole in front on which is carved a tiny standing figure of Amida Buddha. There are streamers from the headdress with elaborately draped scarfs and jewels hanging down over the skirt. The statue is bare foot with no pedestal but does have a tang that comes out the bottom of the piece. C113, C150 and C151 are a set and come from Cave #2 of the Southern Xiangtangshan cave complex.

Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.